Acoustic Revive Power Sensual 18000.
We’ve got some steaming hot news coming of the press as we speak, so hot in fact that we’ve got no pictures to show you, but watch this space because Acoustic Revive have a brand new power cord for us, the powermax 18000, watch this space audio nutters!
Polish Audiophiles test the old Acoustic Revive RAF-48 against the new RAF-48H.
But what did they find? recently Japanese manufacture Acoustic Revive have made some slight changes in the usage of woods in their highly effective products, they have gone from using Birch wood to Hickory, but what has this done for the sound?
Lets read to find out what happened recently in Poland where a group of music lovers got together to test to old version against the new one.
Acoustic Revive RAF-48 V RAF-48 Hickory click here
Acoustic Revive RR-77 reviewed by Remusic in Italy.
Even though this is the now discontinued model it gives us a good idea of just how effective the RR-77 was and just how good the new model is, read the review for yourself and see the conclusion they arrived at in Italy.

They may look the same, but the new RR-777 is 4 times, yes 4 times more effective and powerful than the outgoing RR-77.
Acoustic Revive New USB cables and RUI-1 USB isolater get reviewed in Denmark.
The new Acoustic Revive USB cables have just received a stunning workout in Denmark. You can read it below.
Translation kindly written by Kurt Lassen.
The Knight of the round cables
There are more things in between heaven and earth …
© Kurt Lassen 2012
We thought certainly that there was never a noticeable difference in signal cables or power cords first time we heard (!) about the phenomenon. We were thoroughly reviewed our view through the many years that have passed, and now adds the message with the claim that there is a big difference between USB cables.
Curiously it was when a buddy at a wine tasting recently asked if I had smelled the wine with the right or left nostril? Slightly confused, and not just because of the wine, I tried his advice, and yes there is a difference whether you use the right or left nostril! Strangely, inexplicably, but true … And in the same way I was extremely skeptical when I first heard that there would be a difference between USB cables. Bullshit was my first thought. It’s just zeros and ones which are transported via the data stream. There may IMPOSSIBLE be an audible difference. But they said that too with the first CD players?
We chose for this test to use Dynaudios Xeo3 speaker system, because at a previous test it proved to be particularly revealing of power-, but certainly also of USB cables!
We received a lot of cables from ProCab, Viablue, Cardas, Nordost, Audio Quest (3 pieces), Aqvox, Kimber (2 different), Transparent, Furutech, Entreq, Acoustic Revive (2 different), Tellurium and Crystal Cable. A total of 16 different cables. HiFi club chose not to participate.
With all the cables we had available was a clear difference to hear. You do not sit for hours to hear the difference between the cheap standard cable, or the slightly more expensive and significantly better cables. It’s easy to listen to such voices, rumklanges decay, or whether you can hear the bass guitar and bass drum can easily be distinguished by the lydmixet. After two to three seconds, one hears the first differences, and are definitely much more evident and larger than normal signal cables. Yet stretched this test over several months, simply so that we could be confident in our case. All cables were added to our hard drives, and in this way quickly and easily etched / blown. Netstøjsfiltre from Schaffner and power cables from Nordost Vishnu and Brahma gave birth to both the computer infrastructure and speakers.
We availed ourselves also of the excellent software Pure Music, which gives an absolutely excellent sound quality, and read all music into RAM memory, in this case 20 GB. So, our setup was simple but good. iMac, iTunes, Pure Music and then from there via the tested USB cables for Dynaudio Transmitter. That’s it folks. And let’s get started.
Some background
USB know most from their computer and peripheral devices, such as printer or digital camera. USB 2.0 standard was published in 2000 and has a data rate of up to 480 Mbit / s and a maximum cable length of 5 meters. They usually comes with a USB “A” connector on one end and a “B” or “Mini-B” in the other. You can easily remember it by making a rhyme that says that the sound be from point A to B!
The special relation signal and speaker cables is that USB cables besides the delicate signals must also carry a 5Volts voltage. Both of these signals may be so in the worst case, affect each other, and therefore the cable producers really be in control of their techniques. It’s not just straightforward to design a USB cable, such as a bit special impedance of 90 ohms, and therefore producers can not just take a random cable from the local electricity business, and put their own name and company logo on.
Procab from Belgium I did not know in advance which is my fault. They are a RET big player in the cable market, and is actually sprung from some audiophile circles.
Today they have over 4000 different items in their range, and we were allowed to test their cheapest cable for about 60 Danish Kroner. Gold connectors with their own logo which is on-welded, and the absolute thinnest cable in the test field. But again, it’s not the size that matters (the man said to his wife
Audio Quest has an entire range of USB cables, from the reasonable to the cables up about 7000 crowns. We tested both their moderately priced Cinnamon to 399, – and their Carbon and Coffee respectively. 1099 – and kr13,418.92. They use their very own, and not finished purchased standard connector. And at Coffee cable has Audio Quest mounted their patented 72 Volt DBS system to make the insulation permanently charged. It is thus also as dielectric AUDIOQUEST considers it as being blown when the cables over time change. Read more on their extensive website:
Like the Audio Quest has Cardas a theory that the insulation has a decisive influence on the sound quality (!). How Audio Quest try to resolve it with their patented 72V system, so go Cardas other roads. They believe that the insulation slows the music, and thus delaying the signal itself to fit with dialektrikummets slow transfer. How they technically do it, we have tried in vain to find out – our inbox remained empty despite a number of inquiries on my part. Also this theory sounds a little wild in my ears. But again, think of the story with the right and left nostril …
Entreqs cable Constantine comes from Sweden and their slogan could well be Back to Nature. Creator Per-Olof Friberg has for more than three decades conceived, developed and refined include its special External Earth Drain System (EEDS) grounding technique, and if possible exclusively natural materials such as raw silk or wood species beechwood. Visually distinct Entreqs cables also significant from the rest of the worm farm with their USB connector of this beautiful bright Swedish wood. Entreq uses their money on development,therefore it is a good idea to deal directly with them on their website. Besides the USB cable (Entreq was among the first on the market for USB cables!), the nice Per-Olof also sent a so-called Minimus which is a grounding device containing a.o. copper sand, and where you plug in your USB cable. Vodoo or science? We tried of course both!
Crystal Cable USB Dream Line
The test most expensive – and perhaps nicest – cable coming from the Netherlands. We have before been pleasantly surprised at the company’s fragil appearance cables, because we had turned our prejudices to the contrary: yes thin cables can play bass – lots of bass we remember clearly from that time. Quite so thin is Dreamliner USB not, it is reasonably robust, and consists of the company’s special gold / silver alloy, encased in particular Kapton, PEEK and Teflon. And even the screen is partially made of silver and gold threads!
A small beautiful decorative “bubble” with the company logo is mounted – for purely cosmetic reasons. It is surely a woman who stands behind the design. The price tops the test area with all 16,500 NKr. of a meter! We were curious if it was really worth the money!
Kimber immediately sent two cables, one of copper and silver cable. This means that the leaders of copper wire is coated with 6.1% silver, and the slightly more expensive cable from Utah, United States, plus the leaders of silver. The screen and the dead cables are silver-plated copper. The lowest priced cable has furthermore two small ferrite rings to protect the delicate signals against EMI / RF radiation. An idea that German Aqvox consider as a big mistake, acc. their website. Silver Edition can optionally also equip with these small devices. We were not able to test this.
German Aqvox have on their website almost two pages of information materials about why their USB cable moving in the right direction. We will just tell briefly that the company already in 2006 launched their first USB cable, and thus has a lot of experience to build on. For example, they mention that the only thing – besides Furutech – here in the test that they use a 90 Ohm impedance corrected connection. Sølvloddetin, two-double shielding and 24k gold-plated connectors are also on the program for the Germans.
Viablue cable of approx. 5.5 mm, which is also from Germany, consists of silver-plated conductors, and a triple insulation. This is necessary because the transmission is in the megahertz range. The company’s own 24-carat gold connectors and a beautiful woven sock completes the serious firsthand.
English Tellurium Q is a relatively young English company who sent their black USB cable, very inventive called Black USB! The founder and owner Geoff Merrigan would absolutely NOTHING reveal of the cable characteristics or construction. He wrote that there is generally enough snake-oil and vodoo-talk in many cable companies’ information, and he would not further priming for. And when Tellurium believe they have hold of the right parameters, they will of course not reveal precisely these secrets to competitors. Fair enough! The cable rattles slightly when you swing it around, and it makes all reviewers with respect for themselves all the time
Nordosts Blue Heaven is like most of the company’s quality cables manufactured using micro-filament technique, which is a special technique that separates conductor and insulator in a sophisticated way. The cable is due to its double shielding quite stiff, very blue, and Nordost also chose gold connectors on both ends. It has a bandwidth up to 8 GHz, and Nordost says that they can make the cable up to 14 meters, which is probably a new record.
Acoustic Revive from Japan is a company that besides cables also manufactures everything else seriously HiFi accessories, and their range also includes (like Entreq) a Grounding Box soil-box. They also stik to using natural materials such as silk.
Their biggest USB cable also differs from the rest of the test by that they physically separate the signal and power conductors in the cable. AR uses only solid core conductors in all their cables, and furthermore, this cable includes screen by using a kind of copper coil around the length of cable, and the connectors are manufactured from a solid aluminum alloy obtained by the aviation industry. The company sent us two of their latest cables called PLS and SPS. The latter is the larger version with two separate USB A connector. In addition, we also received their USB Noise Isolator RUI-1. The cables are in the upper end in terms of price in this test.
Look on and read more about their thoughts and ideas. We will only briefly mention that they believe that they make the world’s best USB cable!
Furutech GT2 comes in a wrapper, where every conceivable measurable parameters are given. If only all cable manufacturers did that! And there certainly seems to be nothing left to chance. We note as saying 24 carat gold-plated connectors and Furutechs own Alpha treated leaders (a process that includes both a cryogenic cooling to minus 200 degrees Celsius and then a kind of slow de magnetizing process). And a triple shielding against external RF dirt …
It seems that Furutech in control of their cable design with these lengths (which is available custom made) up to 10 meters. It has a blue jacket, and blue connectors. Beautiful, yet at the same time discreet.
Transparent’s nice Josh Clark comes with the following information:
Custom-made contacts, and advanced assembly technique, polished copper conductors of 20 AWG and with a larger diameter than other USB cables (they claim itself). Extruded, foam insulation to contribute to a stable impedance over the entire length of the cable. Double shielding realized using aluminum foil and a second woven layer of copper insulation
And seriously look it all out with gold-plated connectors and longitudinal indicated by small arrows, although one is impossible to go wrong because A and B connectors.
It is not the length that matters
Concurrence, most producers surveyed in this test agreed that the length of the cables are not the biggest influence on the sound quality. Then we can fortunately exclude the parameter. We remember namely back to a time when we had a visit from Nordosts cable guru Lars Kristensen, who easily demonstrated that there is a clear audible difference in the length of identical power cords!
We listened to a lot of music, we will confine myself to concentrate and describe the following four numbers in this text:
Joni Mitchell: Moon At The Window
Melody Gardot: So We Meet Again My Heartache
Concerto pour deux Violons a Violoncelle RV 578a – Largo e spiccato, Amandine Beyer & Gli Incogniti. Aka The Four Seasons
Sailing To Philadelphia by Mark Knopfler (and James Taylor)
We have chosen to describe a little bit about our experiences with these four songs because they give a good picture of what the various cables can or can not do. It is rather quickly revealed on cable A can provide the same beautiful spatial sense as cable B with the song X. We believe in the message.
Listening Impressions
Procab CLD610 is only slightly more expensive than standard line at a penny or two. Yet there is more peace and order when we put this Belgian cable. There is no bass or treble, but a more cohesive sound that you get a gift. To get money, this is a must if you are on ultra-low budget, or just want to give your starting system a bit more euphony.
Viablue has a nice body and a pretty good space definition. The sound gets a good push, and a good basis from the speakers. For the price it’s great what this cable provides. And it is miles ahead of the small free USB cable that comes with any device. The music sounds just a few classes better if you understand. Joni Mitchels voice sounds soft and cuddly. Buy it if you can only afford this, and you will be amazed.
The second German cable in this test is from Aqvox. It plays with a nice view and a nice precision. The bass is deep and rich, and there are plenty of details. Also this cable makes it really good for the price. There are so to speak, more of everything with this cable. And the cable which are known to that one out of ten times to recognize in a few seconds. In English we would say involving, you get drawn into the music, which is probably the highest praise.
With Audio Quest Cinnamon we hear more of the acoustic guitar, and a little more detail in the background. The bass is tight and precise, and we can easily distinguish bass drum and bass guitar apart. Vocals are nice in the room. We reiterate us almost, but here you get a lot of sound quality for the money. And words like listening fatigue suddenly foreign.
Their carbon, a 5% silver cable, do not have any “noise” of silver, and more on the contrary. The cable Inherent sound is almost non-existent, there is just a hole through, and the music is served on a, pardon the expression, silver plate
Coffee cable, with its battery and the cartridge works amazingly even better dissolved. The sound gets bigger and fuller, wider and deeper! Also this cable you should strongly consider if you take advantage of computerized audio playback via USB. We hear details that we did not know existed in several of our songs. The teasing hi hat on Joni Mitchel number nuanced. Bravo! This is really, really good. And the price is ridiculously low, in view of sound quality.
Nordost Blue Heaven has a flattering and soft top, while eg lilletrommers rim shots do not have quite as much attack as the Audio Quest. Between the bass is slightly dominant, something that can dress small two way speakers. The bottom and midrange is nice reproduced, albeit not as deep as Aqvox in sub octaves. The overall performance is quite ok and small details like reverbs reproduced quite well.
Tellurium Black USB
I did not know the name or word, but Wikipidea suggests: “Tellurium (latin: Tellus means ‘earth’) is a mechanical model of the Earth, Moon and Sun”. More soil was our listening tests, and we have also noted that the cable plays very down to earth and yet in another galaxy (!). And indeed excellent relation price. The cable is mega fast, and seemingly total free of distortion. Listening Fatigue or boring music was not valid arguments as we listened again and again. Often we were not sure if we did not listen to a significantly more expensive cable. Thumbs Up.
Funnily enough I think of analog audio when I put Cardas cable on. The entire soundstage is very soft and balanced, though still with plenty of detail. Kind of like a good red wine and allow to form taste impression after a few minutes. When I listen to music with Cardas I forget little to analyze my experience, which of course is a great credit to the cable, though not exactly a tribute to my abilities as HiFi journalist Cardas is so great, for example Pink Floyd and Melody Gardot . To indulgent among our readers.
Kimber “lydaftryk” gets us every time to think of how quickly and perfectly in this setup this silver cord is. Always when it sat in the chain was very comfortable air and a fantastic panoramic view. That music got a really good start from the speakers, and it was enjoyable so beautiful most music just flowed away the competition. And even otherwise boring music was actually suddenly great to be in the room with. Lots of dynamics and a large and wide soundstage and many small touches of luxury. Very good for the price. And compared to the standard black cable miles ahead at all levels. Bravo! Kimber copper cable also showed what is possible in the lower price range. However, we preferred each time the silver version!
Furutech GT2 is fantastic balanced, it’s just so real sound comes out of the test facility, voices are beautiful and without mess, and you hear right through and into the core of the music.
The bass is tight and yet deep. And even if the cable was still in tilspilningsfasen first time we secretly listened, we could not help noticing the sublime sound quality is already out of the box. Again, we consider the price of just over SEK thousand as being too low. Blown, this cable one of our absolute favorites. Again and again we returned to GT2, and such Melody Gardots vocals are beautiful from the speakers when we use this cable. Beautiful!
Transparent sound louder than the other cables in the test, so it feels anyway. This is a cable that will FORWARD in the world – and in the soundscape! Votes are very well positioned in the imaginary lydpanorama. Percussive detail a lot, it says in my notes. Great perfomance, not quite as precise as Kimber or Audio Quest’s top model. And not as silky as Entreq. For the price we would choose a different cable, where we get more for your money. But better than AQ Cinnamon and Viablue.
Acoustic Revive played with a total black background, even when playing at low volume. Together with their small USB isolator box, which galvanically separates the computer from the rest of the system, we get the tests most organic and dynamic sound with tons of small details. Balanced. Musically. Perfect on all levels. The instruments blades long out, vocals are as chiseled in granite. Huge and deep perspective. Bravo, bravissimo.
Billy Joel Live CD Concert from Moscow in 1987 is not the best sounding silver disc that has been ripped to my discs. The soundstage is a little messy on the recording; reproduced via the AR system, it was still good to hear this version. It was as if all the pieces of the puzzle were moved to exactly the right location.
As we listened to ARs cables first time, we did not know the price. And we shot it cost significantly more than it actually costs. The “cheap” AR cable sounded good, but big brother with the two separate A connector was even better. If you want the very best, do invest in this cable and not least in their RUI-1 USB isolator. It’s crazy good! And especially difficult to deliver back. Without Isolator the cable is good, with RUI-1 is world-class! And after a few days of burn in the word worldclass is not enough anymore. RUI-1 makes the sound image moves several feet forward, and becomes almost independent of the speakers. Incredible, but true!
Entreq plays silky smooth and with lots of details, I read in my notes. The music is flowing from the speakers so it’s a delight. The soundstage is also slightly wider than the example AQ Coffee, and everything served just so lovely and relaxed, and without harshness or other bad habits. “Analog” is a word that repeatedly comes to mind when I describe this Swedish, wonderful sounding cable. It starts and stops quickly, and is one of the few cables that reproduces both saxophone and reverb 100% authentic in Duke Ellington’s legendary disc Jazz Party. The bass on Joni Mitchels song gets a natural texture and you’ll want to play more with this cable, possibly because of lack of distortion?! Hairlike will vote restored, and they are also sharp in the soundstage. Slightly more expensive than most, but also just a tad more high end. Details are long in the air, great. With Minimus connected, you get just a little bit more euphony. This combination is great for the price! And worth every penny.
Crystal Cable Dream Line
If only the best is good enough, so do not you come around this small wonder. The music flows elegantly out of the speakers, it all sounds just perfect, soft, detailed and harmonious. Especially acoustic recordings got a tremendous boost up with this cable, it revealed the deep strings, fast flicking guitar strings and beautiful vocals with body and emotions. Even opera, which I usually avoid, suddenly became interesting to hear! And both Joni Mitchel and Knopflers Sailing To Philadelphia was almost holographic reproduced. It seems that CC Dream Line technique holds water, the sound quality is awesome. Tons of little touches of luxury, try to hear the crazy guitar solo on James Taylor’s Steamroller! It is almost wider than the speakers can play. It’s pretty wild so good it is! Round, soft and at the same time precise. What more could you want? Besides just kr 16.500 for a cable. Try it if only the best can be enough, but be prepared to run your credit card through the card reader!
The three latest mentioned cables are all world class, we will not say that one is in all respects better than the other. They are all three on the podium! No doubt that they are all in control of their technologies, with lots of melody as a result. Panorama window was slightly larger with Crystal Cable, other parameters such as basfundament, resolution and micro detail was though not identical, then at such a high class, we had difficulty choosing objectively. When we closed our eyes and selected by our feelings, then it was every time these three cables that put most impetus to our goosebumps or smile when we heard music over time.
And why is it perhaps so that a USB cable “sounds” different from the other? Is it the same as with power cords, which acts as a kind of filter? We have more faith in that all USB cables are able to transmit and receive zeros and ones, it is more how cable affects the converter with its antenna effect, which determines their impact. And it is also why some companies only make cables in certain lengths.
British HiFi + has on a blind test revealed significant differences of USB cables (Allan Sircom, Feb 2012). The prestigious German magazine Audio In July 2011, a somewhat similar conclusion, so we at Fidelity is not alone with the message that there is a difference, and even BIG difference in USB cables.
Once in a while we turned the course back to the black 2-krone standard cable, just again to be convinced of the correctness of our test conclusion that ALL other than the supplied USB cable makes it much better. It’s incredible, it’s as if the soundstage almost falling apart, everything is just not together anymore!
It has been a pleasure to be in the company of all these cables. It was many
long nights in the music service.
And it was amazing how much difference there was from the standard black licorice laces as you get with the purchase of a hard drive, for even the cheapest cable in this test. And preferences are always different, we will not appoint a single winner, but the 16 winners. Do you have a serious plant in mid-range, any of these cables justify a purchase. Aqvox is good IF you can ignore the fact that you get an octave more bass than with all the other cables in the test. This means that if you have a little bass heavy speaker, we would probably choose AQ Coffee, you have a completely finished look between class installations to the smallest detail not play with too much top or bottom, then we would go for cables from Furutech Kimber, or AG. Do you have a little tip sounding systems, and will have a more analog audio to set Cardas cable on your memo, along with an exquisite and equally silky Amarone, and some candles. Nordost sounds quite ok, but we would put our money somewhere else.
Kimber AG Furutech we preferred to test absolute best all cables in the low end, and Kimber silver version clad music a little better, and gave more air between the executive than the copper version. Where other cables in the test were good with some songs, and decidedly superior to others, was Kimber and Furutech really vellydene in the low price range with ALL kinds of music. And believe me, we’ve heard very, very much music during the test period. Partly to give readers a fair insight into this a little difficult subject, but simply also just for our own enjoyment. It was namely both fun and educational to do this test. AQ Coffee was also an absolute highlight in this test. A slightly more expensive, but also just a tad better. This cable will be a very good choice for medium and high class facilities. It was amazing so velopløst and homogeneous music was with Coffee in the chain. Definitely worth the money!
Tellurium was at least as homogeneous, and the price just above 2000, – also a hit for the price, and a pleasure to get acquainted with.
The three best
Do you have an excellent high-end systems, we propose to listen to Entreq, Acoustic Revive or Crystal Cable including the above mentioned accessories. You will be amazed, I promise!
For example, we listened to Marco Mendoza’s amazing fretless bass on Michael Ruffs: No Ordinary Day. The bass sings and swings, and with all three of these cable highligts there are plenty of juice, force and substance everywhere to well below 60 Hz.
Pays Sun from Nana Matias is a beautiful song from Putumayo’s Cap Verde CD. The intro starts with some percussive detail, replaced by a soft nylon string guitar. With Crystal Cable was soundstage is slightly wider and guitar more promotion front speakers than with Entreq and AR. At the same time, there were more “law and order”, ie. the music was more of a whole than a collection of various instruments which happens to play the same music. At the same time the deep Conga drum on the left side a little more bodily reproduced. The voices on this issue was soft, precise and appealing with all three cables, however, slightly more accurate with CC.
Nina Persson’s voice goes under the skin of the old Dire Straits number: Brothers In Arms from Georg Wadenius’ slice: Reconnection. Bass guitar is slightly more accurate and easier to follow with AR than with the other two top candidates.
Yo-Yo Ma’s beautiful recording on Sony Classical of Schubert’s String Quartet In C is another great example of music that we want to highlight. It is a pleasure to hear the playful light (but certainly quite difficult) music flow, and just forget about the technology behind these three top cables. Now we are Yo-Yo Ma, put also listen to his “Mariano: Cristal” from the disc Obrigado Brasil. There is dynamic so it’s a delight. And perspective is absolutely fantastic! Here we preferred over those three favorite cables, all three showed a great living playing style, closely followed by AQ Coffee, Tellurium and Furutech!
Or Dvorak’s Piano Concerto in G minor, with the Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra from Acousence Classics) impressed us and we heard it again and again.
Top of the pops was every time and with all kinds of music Acoustic Revive SPS cable with their USB isolator. This cable showed what is possible today, it is simply amazing!
Do you know when your system plays better in the evening or week end, where there is so much RF and power “pollution” around us in everyday life? The music flows better, you hear more detail and relaxing better off when you listen. Precisely this phenomenon we saw when we got Acoustic Revives total setup in our test rig. Just not only on the week end, now the perfect sound was there all the time, which can probably be attributed to their RUI-1 USB insulator, which separates the computer electrically from the rest of the system. There is little noise in the beginning of the track: Seydou on Salif Keitas CD: Folon. Precisely this “noise” is clearly audible with the AR system and prove that it is soft waves, and it is the cable that most clearly reveals these natural sounds. That this cable reveals a little more of everything, closely followed by CC. Critics would argue that noise not be reproduced, but if it is in the recording and it is now just heard the waves, then it is surely only a plus to ALL mercilessly being played?!
But Viablue, Tellurium, Furutech and AQ Cinnamon gives actually a lot perfomance for relatively little money. ALL other than no-name cable sounds good, and actually surprisingly good. So give yourself permission and go shopping online or at your local HiFi pusher. Any HiFi system deserves a better USB cable than the standard product, which you get for almost no money in your local computer shop.
And if you want the very finest sound from your system, so you will have to test Entreq Constantine / Minimus, Audio Quest Coffee, Crystal Cable Dream Line and Acoustic Revive SPS and their RUI-1 USB isolator … It’s incredible what they can bring out of the review-system. Really incredible!
Acoustic Revive RR-777
The Original RR-77 from Acoustic Revive has been one of the most successful products from the legendary Japanese firm. The effects of this little device were, to put it simply quite remarkable, how could this little box make such an improvement?
The good news is that now, drum roll…… the original version has now been improved, yes, the effect is now 4 times more effective. This little device is a must have accessory for those that want to optimise there room to get the best possible sound for the HiFi system.
The RR-777 is bound to be a massive success, following in the footsteps of the RR-77

The new Acoustic Revive RR-777 offers an impressive boost over the old RR-77 by being 4 times more powerful.
Acoustic Revive RAS-14 gets its first Spanish review.
The Spanish market has warmly accepted the very interesting products from Acoustic Revive, these wonderful audio accessories have proven to be a massive success as audiophiles have discovered the remarkable effects of the Acoustic Revive line of products.
Just recently the new RAS-14 mains stabilizer has been reviewed by the online audio magazine Hifi Live. You can read the review here Ras-14 review