
Legal downloads from Sonneteer


Some hot news from the chaps @ Sonneteer.


It may not be quite in the league of Brad Pitt dates horse or Obama’s re-election campaign, but the Sonneteer website is now fully loaded with downloadable information about all the products. We’ve put them in two places. You can find them either on the specific product page under the Download tab or on the Support page. There you will find product information sheets as well as user manual and start up guides where appropriate. You will require a PDF reader to read these files.

The ‘Download’ tab can be found at the bottom right corner of each product page. Right next to the ‘Buy’ tab. ‘We plan on expanding these area to include a wealth of information including help articles, reviews and product photography. All are made available free and to use as support information for Sonneteer products. Copywrite remains with Sonneteer.

The Sonneteer News recommends the Orton, Morpheus Music Centre and SedleyUSB information sheets as essential bed time reading. While your partner is wired into ’50 shades of grey’ behind their FT Magazine you could be knowledgeing up on dual mono, streaming and cartridge loading.  each information sheet includes a picture of the product alongside some description as well as a list of product features. We know it just doesn’t get that much better.


Sonneteer Morpheus Streamer and music centre in HiFi news.


If your looking for a very modern and trendy audio system then look no further than the marvelous Morpheus combo from Sonneteer, in just a few simple words it will do everything you could possibly wish for, you want to listen to radio? Done, you want to listen to the radio from other countries around the world? done.

Well, let me let HiFi News tell you a little bit more, are you ready…… HiFi news review of the Sonneteer Morpheus



The Stunning Sonneteer Morpheus combo, modern HiFi made simple.


Contact us here at Eden Audio and we can show you how easy it is to set up the Soneeter Morpheus combo, it is modern HiFi made simple.


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