Hifi Accesorios
acoustic revive y oyaide
A todo los Audiofilos del mundo les encantan todos los accesorios
para mejorar la calidad sonora de sus equipos de Alta Fidelidad. Y
ya Eden Audio presenta para los audiofilos en España
dos de las mas fuertes empresas Japonesas Oyaide Y Acoustic
Todos sabemos que aveces sentimos desilusion con nuestra compra porque
el producto no cumple nuestras expectativas verdad?
Como evitar ese problema cuando las tiendas no permiten probar
sus productos de accesorios antemano?debo que compra y que pasa si
no me convence? He pedido mi dinero?
Eden Audio no es asi porque tenemos la solucion y es muy facil. Presentamos
los productos de antemano en tu equipo, no en nuestro y si le gusta
y quiere quedarselo entonces lo pagas y si no le gusta telodevolvemos,
pero estamos seguros de que no sera sera necesario porque le encantaran
Acoustic Revive
Highest grade silk without any side effect on sound quality
Chemical fiber is used in most of high-end room tuning materials surface
on market.
By using chemical fiber, it difficult to avoid side effect, such as
a peculiar sound.
Even if there are effects such as diffusion and sound absorbtion,
many usesr may have had the experience of having the feeling of the
sound becoming poor. This is because of the material used on the surface.
WS-1 uses only highest grade silk material from Hasegawa store, which
is the largest
silk wholesale dealer in Japan.
Silk in the only fiber that has random cellular tissue, so it does not have a outbreak of peculiar sound and an incidental sound.WS-1 give you extremely smooth and warm tone by the help of the superior diffusion effect.
Light weight and compact! Install it in any kind of place
WS-1 is easily installed onto the wall, because of it is extremely
light weight and compact.
Not to mention, on ceiling and small space such as back of rack mount.
On the back of WS-1, there is velcro tape. As soon as after purchase, it is easy to install on to the wall by using this velcro tape.
Flat frequency characteristic by special low repulsion urethane foam
Inside the WS-1, we adopted the special low repulsion urethane foam
for extremely fat sound absorbing characteristic across a wide range
of frequency.
Glass wool, carbon paper wool and polyester has an uneven sound absorbing
Instead, WS-1 has a very even sound absorbing characteristic. This
makes sound from the speaker very natural.
Acoustic Revive RR-77
revive RR-77 por solo 389 euros- Pulse Aqui
A juzgar por los reviews de algunos especialistas, los resultados
son prometedores:
Jeff Day de 6moons.com, comenta que al conectarlo y sin saber qué
esperar del RR-77, le saltó un “¿Qué diablos?”,
ya que inmediatamente notó una reproducción musical
más natural, amplia, realista, que incluso le aplicaba una
especie de matiz “deslumbrante” al sonido de algunas grabaciones.
En su opinión, afirma que en grabaciones majestuosas parecía
que la acústica de su sala se expandía y se transformaba,
como por arte de magia, en la correspondiente a la sesión original
o en la de álbumes de pocos instrumentos. La sensación
sonora era sorprendente, como tener físicamente a los músicos
en su casa, y afirma que es algo que debe vivirse para comprenderlo.
Por su parte, Mike Silverton de StereoTimes.com, describe como una delicia el instalar en su sistema al RR-77, reportando mayor claridad y realismo, “como música en vivo”, sin importar la base científica o “ciencia loca” que soporte a este aparato. Carlos Sánchez, también de Stereo Times, habla de algo de orden “monumental” al señalar un sonido más “orgánico” y tridimensional.
Incluso, se supone que el efecto de tener un RR-77 a la hora de realizar
una grabación en vivo, hace una diferencia especialmente notable.
Nosotros tenemos planeado traer a México al menos una de estas
piezas para experimentar lo que se dice de este enigmático
artefacto, y cuando lo hagamos, gustosos les reportaremos los resultados
Se trata de un artefacto que genera artificialmente la frecuencia subsónica de 7.84Hz, también conocida como el Efecto Schumann, en honor al físico alemán W. O. Schumann, quien en 1954 descubriera que la cavidad entre la Tierra y la ionosfera tiene un constante intercambio de iones que viajan generando una onda estacionaria, o una resonancia, precisamente de 7.84Hz. Esto ocurre como resultado de recorrer los +/-40 mil kilómetros de la circunferencia del planeta, a la espectacular velocidad de la luz.
Los científicos explican que esta frecuencia ha existido en
la Tierra desde mucho antes de la aparición del ser humano
y que hemos vivido con ella sin saberlo. Ellos atribuyen a los siguientes
factores la creciente contaminación electromagnética
de la vida actual: radiofrecuencia, microondas (y toda la jungla que
le acompaña), que rompen la continuidad de los 7.84Hz causándole
al ser humano efectos nocivos y diversos como dolores de cabeza, migrañas,
estrés emocional, fatiga crónica y otras afectaciones
a la salud; ya que nuestro cerebro actúa como antena, es muy
sensible y está sintonizado en esos 7.84Hz.
Se puede consultar más información al respecto, en
el estudio médico desarrollado por el Dr. Internista Guy E.
Abraham en: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FDL/is_3_10/ai_n18616484/pg_1,
quien ha reportado que los pacientes expuestos a los generadores Schumann,
experimentaron un beneficio a su salud y “una sensación
de sentirse bien”.
El aparato en cuestión, que es tan pequeño como una
simple caja de galletas, sólo requiere conectarse a la pared
y mantenerse por encima del piso, al menos por 1.50m. Su efecto, según
el fabricante, promete neutralizar toda la basura electromagnética
y rescatar la enigmática frecuencia señalada, reduciendo
la distorsión audible, aumentando la claridad sonora, incrementando
la sensación de espacio y elevando la relación de señal
a ruido (obviamente la promesa es que las señales de video
se benefician de la misma manera y a un ritmo semejante).
Acoustic Revive SIP-8
Revive SIP-8 por solo 135 euros pulse aqui
Each equipments vacant digital input and analog input terminal are place where dust gets easily collected. Not only that becomes an origin of mixture for noise.
By letting these input terminal short-circuit, it prevents noise getting inside the equipment. Furthermore, letting the input terminals short-circuit, unstable element of electrical current on ground side gets removed and movement of machinery circuit becomes stable. Result is, advantage for power supply impedance and sound quality improves greatly.
In addition, board for terminal part tends to be very thin. This receives the influence of vibration. By using high specific gravity and hard material for short pin, it reinforces terminals and protects from vibration.
Revive RCG-24.
Revive RCG-24 por solo 395 euros- Pulse Aqui
Why do optical discs, such as CD DVD etc, become magnetized?
First, it is thought that an iron ingredient contained in the printing ink of the label side of the disc is one of the causes of magnetizing discs. For example, iron oxide is used for red, yellow or brown ink, cobalt is used for blue or green ink and nickel is used for silver ink. These materials, iron, cobalt, nickel, are called ferromagnetic substances, and they are relatively easy to magnetize. Second, problems are caused by the use of aluminum used for the recording side of CD. Currently, the JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) states that the purity of the aluminum used must be 99.0%. The other 1% contains ferromagnetic substance such as iron, nickel and cobalt. Aluminum is a weak magnetic material, so it is easily influenced by magnetism. CD players contain magnetic substances, when a disc is played, the rotation of the mechanism, magnet and motor generates a flux which quickly causes discs to become magnetized. The same problem occurs in CD-R, DVD and MD. In particular MD uses an iron ingredient for the Magnet Catch, so the influence of magnetism is increased.In the worst cases, it is impossible to read signals.
Acoustic Revive RD-3
The Acoustic Revive team have designed this product to be used near to power transformers or power supply areas of equipment for most effective results. Please refer to the diagram below for ideal placement of the REM-8.
Acoustic Revive REM-8
Acoustic Revive RTP-4 Ultimate, the best power distribution block that you can find on the market, and we have them hear at eden audio. By plugging your hi-fi system in to the Acoustic Revive RTP power points, you will instantly notice a sharp increade in detail and resolution, the sound become more relaxed and takes on a far more natural and releastic tone. Why not put one in your system and you will reap the benfits of what these amazing power blocks can achieve, for people who demand only the best.
Acoustic Revive Schulko plugs, the best there is.
Acoustic Revive Rio-5
Rio is a tall chrome colored chimney holding tourmaline balls heated
by a light. You place the CD on the top and push a button. After 14
seconds the fan goes off and you flip the CD and push the button again.
The fan blows only negative ions on the CD reducing what sounds like
jitter and distortions. This is an additive fix complimenting Xtreme’s
own Liquid Resolution™, and the demag process. It is a process
all to itself. It is an amazing thing regardless of whether you do
the other steps of not.
Acoustic Revive RWL-3
RWL-3 Room-Tuning Panel
The RWL-3 was designed using computer analysis and listening tests. Resulting in ideal diffusion of sound from the speaker and reflections in the room. The surface is made from natural silk containing Tourmaline.
Sound absorbing room tuning kills sound!
RWL-2 helps as an ideal diffusion and tuning. So it doesn't absorb sound like other products which uses glass wool and thick cloth. These products just makes the sound dead.
Don't forget, once the sound is been absorbed, it's not possible to reproduce that sound.
Sound absorbing material kills musical elements as well. RWL-2 increases feeling of volume and energy and only treats unnecessary reflections and standing waves.
Room tuning panels can be expensive, and provide little or no improvement
Unlike most other room treatments, the RWL-2 is reasonably priced, even though it utilizes expensive natural materials and is built to a high level of quality. It also looks fantastic and will fit in many decores.
Solid wood frame.
High quality silk cover impregnated with Tourmaline which produces
negative ions.
High density foam diffusor.
Metal fittings for hanging the panel is included.
Dimensions: 665mm Wide x 90mm Depth x 1160mm Height (Excludes Feet)
Weight: 2.6kg
Mas products de Acoustic Revive, la mejor opicion, alta calidad.
Acoustic Revive RYG-1
Acoustic Revive RCI-3
Oyaide C-29
The basic material chosen by Oyaide to use for the Oyaide C-029 is brass.
Then the surface of the Oyaide C-029 is also thoroughly polished twice for sonic excellence.
For the body of the Oyaide C-029, Oyaide has chosen high density PBT, mixed with 30% glass filler. This combination was used to maximize rigidity, thermal stability and provide high resonance absorption. The outer shell is Polycarbonate.
Oyaide C-037
This time the material for the Oyaide C-037 is deoxidized Phosphorus Bronze, which provides strength and a extremly secure contact.
Then the surface of the C-037 is thoroughly polished twice. Then, a super thick Silver layer is plated directly onto this polished surface, and the polishing process is again applied twice. Next, the Oyaide C-037 receives the final Rhodium plating . The combination of these polishing processes, platings, and thicknesses of platings ultimately leads to the final sound character.
For the body of the Oyaide C-037, Oyaide has chosen high density PBT, mixed with 30% glass filler. This combination was used to maximize rigidity, thermal stability and provide high resonance absorption. The outer shell is Polycarbonate.
This plug from Oyaide is simply superb, put it in your own hifi system to hear the clear benefits of chosing Oyaide
Oyaide P-046
The material chosen for the Oyaide P-046 is deoxidized Phosphorus Bronze, which provides excellent strength and a very secure contact.
Then the surface of the Oyaide P-046 is thoroughly polished twice. Next, a super thick (1.5 micron) 24K Gold layer is plated directly onto this polished surface, and the polishing process is again applied twice. Next, the Oyaide P-046 receives the final Palladium plating, and is again polished twice. The combination of these polishing processes, platings, and thicknesses of platings ultimately leads to the final Oyaide sound character.
For the body of the Oyaide P-046, Oyaide has chosen high density PBT, mixed with 30% glass filler. This combination is used to maximize rigidity, thermal stability and provide high resonance absorption. The outer shell is Polycarbonate. Attention to detail is the Oyaide way
OYAIDE P-079 and C-079
super thick (0.2micron) 24K GOLD plating directly on polished surface
of receptacle and blade. Polishing process again (twice) on the 24K
GOLD plated surface.Construction method is alike except direct 24k
extra thick plating on polished receptacles and blades.Plating material
and quality change sound dramatically. Where Rhodium sounds pure and
strong, Gold sounds warm, soft and luxurious. Either, they both sound
beyond standard. It's up to you to choose for your type of sound
and music.
Atencion!!!!Oyaide Falsos
¡Cuidadin, con los cables y conectores en este tipo de tiendas e-bay en Hong Kong!
Se puede ver un monton de literatura en internet acerca de las falsificaciones de los conectores Oyaide
Lo malo de los conectores de alimentacion falsos no es que no suenen bien, sino que hay que tener cuidado porque a saber de qué material estan hechos y pueden ser peligrosos. Tened en cuenta que la mayoría de estos productos vendidos en Hong-Kong no tienen ningún tipo de certificación de estándares internacionales y, al estar en China -reino mundial de la falsificación a todas las escalas- no es perseguible judicialmente. Uno compra las cosas a su propio riesgo.
Reglata Oyaide MTS6-e
Exquisite artistic quality
Oyaides MTS-6 power distributor is so simply assembled and it has so few parts that Oyaide closely examined the qualities of each component in detail, even carefully determining the appropriate processing temperature of the internal wiring. By applying years of technical experience and know-how about power supply, Oyaide were able to create a product of exquisite quality.
Oyaide Focus1
CSE RK-100