Estamos muy orgullosas de ser la primero compania que trae altavoces
a España de tan alta calidad, esta gama de altavoces, liders
en su categoria han venido a ser conocidos con el simple nombre de
Diseñados y hechos en el Durham Reino Unido, por Derek Gilligan
y su equipo, se han convertido en una formidable fuerza en diseño
de altavoces que simplemente retratan el mensaje musical un mensaje
que llega al alma y toca las emociones.
Desde los artesanos de estos altavoves hermosamente construidos, daren
una gracia espectacular a cualquiear salon, con su bella gama de altavoces
con cubiertos de madera autentica, los altavoces de KUDOS ACOUSTICS
quedaren muy bien con cualquier estilo de decoracion.
Kudos Audio nacio en 1991 cuando el primer producto de la compañia,
el soporte para los altavoces S100, fueron lanzados. Estos se convirtieron
rapidamente en una referencia que apoyaba a los comentaristas del
audio en todo el mundo y aun es muy respetado en eldia de hoy.
La introduccion de la compañia del S50, de bajo coste establecio
firmemente la reputacion de la compañia por hacer productos
de un funcionamiento de altos vuelos y una gran calidad en su ingenieria.
El S50 continua ganando premios,años despues de su introduccion
en mercado.
Recintemente la compañia ha tomado una nueva direccion con
la introduccion de su nueva linea de altavoces de alta resolucion.
Usando los mejores componentes y la mayor calidad en su fabricacion,
estos nuevos modelos estan en estos momentos estableciendo por si
mismos como unos de los altavoces con mejor sonido disponibles.
new Kudos C30, a true reference in loudspeaker design, it's receiving
great reviews in the specialist press, a real testement to what a
stunnig sounding loudspeakers the Kudos C30 is. The Kudos C30 is gaining
great praise from all those who hear just what this quality loudspeaker
can do.
It contains all the ingrediants to make a truly world leading loudspeaker.
Owning the Kudos C30 will give you pride of ownership knowing that
you own of the most accomplished loudspeakers found on the market
today, the Kudos C30 really is a cut above the rest.
Kudos Audio decided to up the ante and introduce the Cardea line of
loudspeakers, the Cardea C1 and the C2 were born offering a level
of technology and performance that was unheard of at this price point
utilizing the same seas tweeter that ATC were using in some of their
top line speakers, and yet Kudos Audio were using this high performance
tweeter in their entry level standmounter.The 12 litre, reflex-ported
cabinet is substantially constructed from high-grade 18mm MDF and
beautifully finished in furniture quality real wood veneer. The main
driver has an 18cm cast chassis and a coated paper cone; this unit
offers high power handling, a very smooth frequency response and clean
bass performance.
What Hi-Fi? Enero 2008
"Creemos que es un debut de lo mas impressionante."
"Es un enfoque refrescantemente distincto, y realament brillian
cuando se las oye."
"Son unas cajas intensamente musicales"
"La sincronia, dinamica y capacidad de captar el ritmo de una
cancion son impresionantes."
Kudos Audio also introduced the Cardea C20 floorstanding speaker with it beautiful looks and sleek lines it was a loudspeaker that would grace any home and make any music lover feel proud to be the owner of a such a beautiful sounding speaker, to hear it creates such a desire in the way it moves your soul, puts a smile on your face,and of course to get your foot tapping, but the C2 is a very clever loudspeaker, Kudos Audio didn't just place the C1 in a bigger box.
The high frequencies are handled by the same Seas Excel tweeter, but
the bass unit has been specifically designed for use in a larger cabinet
volume. The reflex port exits through the bottom of the cabinet to
enable a greater degree of flexibility in placement in your listening
room and the plinth provides extra stability .Internally, the cabinet
is optimally damped and braced and the tweeter is mounted in its own
chamber to isolate it from the compression effects of the bass unit.Like
the C1, this larger model is easy to drive and partner and offers
improved bass extension and greater scale to the presentation of your
Kudos siguen triunfando!!! What hifi? Julio 2008
"Unos niveles de comunicacion
poco veces oidos en unas cajas de suelo"
"Construccion solida, ritmo, dinamica y
detalle; presentacion musical y exitante"
"nos parecen estupendas"
Kudos Audio set about upping the sonics even further to make
a truly remarkable range of new and highly desirable loudspeakers,
the new range of loudspeakers were warmly welcomed by the public who
embraced them with open arms due to simple quite amazing sonic capabilities
these fine transducers could achieve straight away kudos audio were
setting new standards for speakers at this price point, the C10 and
C20 are born.
The cabinet and bass units are the same as those of the C1, though
that is where the similarity ends. The C10 uses what is almost certainly
the finest tweeter in the world, the SEAS Crescendo.
This unit is unrivalled in its ability to reproduce high frequencies
accurately without negative “hifi” artifacts, smearing
of detail or compression of dynamics. To make the most of this superlative
tweeter, the crossover components are all of the highest quality;
the capacitors are silver-wired and made specially for us by Clarity
Caps and the internal wiring is from the renowned cable specialists,
The Chord Company.
Kudos C20
The Kudos C20 is currently the top-of-the-range loudspeaker,
the floorstanding C20 offers a superior level of reproduction that
belies its discrete appearance. Using the same cabinet and 18cm cast-chassis
main driver as the C2, this model is lifted to true high-end performance
by the inclusion of the Crescendo tweeter and the high grade crossover
components. In common with the C10, the C20 features custom-made,
silver wired capacitors and the excellent Chord Company cabling.The
C20 combines the seamless, holographic midrange of its smaller sibling
with clean, extended bass and superb stereo soundstaging.
Revolver Audio
Detrás de Revolver hay un equipo con más de 30 años de conocimiento y dominio de todos los aspectos relacionados con el Audio. Nuestro experto diseñador tiene una trayectoria demostrada de éxito en este campo y ha trabajado anteriormente con algunos de los principales fabricantes, conocimientos que quedan reflejados en la gama de altavoces REVOLVER
Revolver Audio Music 1 y music 3
Eden Audio presenta el nuevo gama de altavoces de Revolver, los impressionantes music series 1, 3 y 5
Muy alta calidad, los nuevos Revolver musicseries 3 y abajo los Revolver musicseries 5 impressionantes!!!
brand new Revolver music 5, these speakers are designed for both the
lover of high quality stereo reproduction and for the afficionados
of Home Cinema, the speakers will hit the right spot with their huge
scale and depth, bass is fast, tight and rhytmic and with a punch
that you will feel in the gut of your stomach. Treble is smooth and
sweet making it a speaker that you can listen to for hours on end.
Revolver Audio have put a lot of time and effort into the new music
series range of speakers and once you heard them you know that the
latest speakers from Revolver Audio are simply the leaders of the
Revolver Audio offer exceptional sound quality, they are reknown around the world for the quality of their loudspeakers, so why not pop in to eden audio and check them out for yourself, we are so positive that you won't find a better sounding pair of speakers for the price.
Audio speakers are beautifully crafted in the UK. You will be rewarded
with both beautiful looking speakers and simply stunning sounds.
Revolver Cygnis
Calidad, con precio inbatibles, has visto mejor?
XTZ are the latest range of speakers to grace the auditioning rooms at eden audio, confirming our position as number 1 when it comes to listening to the finest speakers you can find on the market today. XTZ meets all of our very high expectations, in both sound and vision. The craftmanship found in XTZ speakers really is second to none, on top of that these are affordable to all. XTZ speakers start at just 99Euros, yes folks you read that right, XTZ start from just 99Euros, at these kinds of prices why bother with anything else, great sound, great looks and above all great prices, that's the XTZ way.
superb XTZ 99.28, it has a fit and finish to die for, owning speakers
like this will make you the envy of all who set eyes upon their beautiful
majestic lines.
Not only does the XTZ 99.28 have stunning looks it has the sound to
back up those looks, why not see for yourslf just why it is XTZ speakers
are flying ofd the shelves, everyone wants a piece of the action,
and it's XTZ that are causing all the fuss.
Una nueva experiencia en sonido.
altavoces de XTZ, simplemente imbatibles en calidad y precio
¿Alta calidad,con precios de locura? !!!!!Mirate a XTZ¡¡¡¡

Can you believe how much these little speakers cost?
High quality, low price, superb speakers.