Would you like sound all around your home,even better with no mess,no exspensive installs, damage to walls to fit cables,plus with no loss of quality? If the ansewr is yes, have we got the right product for you!

We are proud to present the amazing Bard system from Sonneteer. It’s basically a 'plug in and go' - simple! Want to know more….read on...
So what is it?
The ultimate in simplicity and wire free high end audio, the Bardthree
solves all your wiring problems and sounds as good as your high end
Just plug your Bardthree module into your wall power socket connect
your speakers and receive music from your Bardone or Bard USB transmitter.
Your hi-fi can not only sound good but also be almost invisible.
How does it work?
Plug the BardOne Tx into the music source be it a CD player, a radio
or PC via phono leads.
Plug the BardOne Rx into an amplifier or active speaker system within
range of the transmitter.
Set both the Tx and Rx modules to the same transmit channel (up to
8 stereo to choose from).

Press play on the music source.
Enjoy the music.
As the music is transmitted digitally using the 2.4GHz band it can be transmitted in high end, uncompressed quality and in real time.
Add more Rx modules, connect them to more amplifiers or active speaker
systems, set them to the same channel and distribute your music wirelessly
throughout your home.
It really is that simple!
Eight Stereo Channels
There are eight stereo digital channels to choose from, so in principle you can have eight stereo music sources transmitting. Just set your BardOne receive module to the channel you want and listen.
Number One
The BardOne, as the name implies, is the first in a range of Bard
products from Sonneteer. Soon there will be the the home entertainment
system. So let’s make it high end.
Not much bigger than a power supply adapter that plugs directly, power cable free into the wall power socket, the Bardthree is a digital hi-fi amplifier, universal power supply and Bard digital receiver all in one. Simply plug in your loudspeakers into the unit select one of eight channels and receive high quality uncompressed audio from your CD player, radio tuner, computer or mp3 player that's plugged in to your Bardone or BardUSB transmitter.
The ultimate in simplicity and wire free high end audio, the Bardthree solves all your wiring problems and sounds as good as your high end separates.
Just plug your Bardthree module into your wall power socket and receive music from your Bardone or BardUSB transmitter. Your hi-fi can not only sound good but also be almost invisible.
The Rug Rat
Much like the Bardthree it's not much bigger than a power supply adapter that plugs , via power cable into the wall power socket, the Bardthree Rug Rat is a digital hi-fi amplifier, universal power supply and Bard digital receiver all in one. Simply plug in your loudspeakers into the unit select one of eight channels and receive high quality uncompressed audio from your CD player, radio tuner, computer or mp3 player that's plugged in to your Bardone or BardUSB transmitter.
The ultimate in simplicity and wire free high end audio, the Bardthree Rug Rat solves all your wiring problems and sounds as good as your high end separates.
Just plug your Bardthree Rug Rat module and receive music from your Bardone or BardUSB transmitter. Your hi-fi can not only sound good but also be almost invisible.
The same size and shape as a USB computer memory stick the BardUSB could easily be mistaken for one. The difference is this one has a Bardone transmitter inside.
Simply plug it into the USB port on your PC or MAC and play music from your computer and transmit it to any Bard receiving system within range.
Play music from your hard drive, the Internet or your CDs or DVDs and send them wire free to your hi-fi system and to your other music systems or Bardthrees in any number of rooms in your house.
Play your CDs and any music stored on your computer and the BardUSB will send it, wire free, to your hi-fi system and any amplifiers or powered speakers around the house. This means you no longer need your old CD player as your PC, laptop or iMac does it all.
Remote Control
Remote controlling your Bard system is as easy as operating the system itself. The BardThree with USB and BardOne with USB are now available bundled with the Griffin AirClick USB* which directly controls the music playing software on your computer.
This is, of course, not the only way to remotely control the Bard System.You could also selelct and play your music via a network, PDA or other similar devices to the AirClick. If using the BardOne transmitter the Source (a CD player for example) can have its remote signal relayed to another room using an IR remote extender.
Bard one
Reproduzca música desde su ordenador
radio ó lector de CD
y transmitala sin cable en calidad high-end digital a cualquier habitación
de su casa.
¿Que es BardOne ?
BardOne es un sistema high-end digital sin cables para la distribución de sonido y viene en set , Tx y Rx que significan transmitir y recibir.
¿Como funciona?
Conecte el BardOne Tx a la fuente de música,
sea un lector de CD, una radio ó un ordenador PC via la salida
de fono.
Conecte el BardOne Rx a un amplificador o sistema de altavoces activos
dentro del alcance del transmisor.
Ponga ambos módulos, el Tx y el Rx, en el mismo canal de transmisión
(hasta 8 en estereo para elegir).
Asegurese que todo está encendido!
Empuje "play" en la fuente de música.
Disfrute de la música.
Porque la música se transmite digitalmente utilizando la banda
de 2.4GHz, puede transmitir en calidad high end, sín compresión
y en tiempo real.
Añadamás módulos Rx, conéctelos a mas amplificadores o sistemas activos de altavoces, póngalos en el mismo canal y distribuya la música sín cables por toda su casa. Realmente es así de facil!
Ocho canales en estéreo.
Hay una selección de ocho canales en estereo, así que puede tener ocho fuentes de música en estereo transmitiendo. Simplemente ponga su módulo de recepción BardOne en el canal deseado y escuche.
Número Uno
El BardOne, como implica su nombre, es el primero
de una gama de productos Bard de Sonneteer. En breve estará
el transmisor BardUSB para facilitar el acceso a la música
desde su ordenador PC, porque sabemos de la importanica creciente
del PC como centro de sistemas de entretenimiento casero.
Entonces, hagamoslo high-end!
Y no se termina aqui. Esté atento a las nuevas soluciones integradas
que sacan el máximo provecho de este sistema que ofrece calidad
CD sín cables
Escenario Uno
Está sentado en su sofa, su coleción de CDs al alcance
de su mano y su sistema Hi-Fi está en el otro extremo de la
sala. Tiene el mando a distancia pero
éste no le cambia los CD, o sí?
Bueno, porque no tener el lector de CD cerca de ustéd? Con
Bardone puede. Eso evita la necesidad de cables largos y, transmitiendo
de manera digital,
no hay perdida de calidad.
Escenario Dos
Tiene el sistema principal en marcha en su salón y quiere escuchar
la misma música caminando por su casa.
Enchufe un transmisor Bardone a su amplificador, por ejemplo el Sonneteer
Bronte o el Sonneteer Orton, y enchufe el receptor Bardone
con un sistema de amplificador y altavoces de cualquier otra habitación
de la casa. De hecho puede tener varios. Funcionará con todo
desde el amplificador
integrado de altisima calidad (oportunidad para nosostros de mencionar
otra vez el Orton) hasta los altavoces activos de PC mas baratos (no
los hacemos nosotros!).
Escenario Trés
Ha logrado poner en marcha el sistema del escenario Dos, pero ahora
quiere transmitir radio internet desde su ordenador a la cocina mientras
el resto del hogar
todavía quiere escuchar la música del CD.
Facil otra vez!
Enchufe un transmisor Bardone a la salida audio de su ordenador, un
receptor Bardone a su amplificador (o altavoz activo) en su cocina
y selecione
simplemente un canal de emisión y recepción diferente
al del sistema principal.
Recuerde que puede elegir hasta ocho canales en estéreo. Esto
permite la transmisión simultánea de ocho fuentes de
Escenario Cuatro
Imagine que tiene un iPod o cualquier MP3 player . Simplemente enchufe
el transmisor BardOne a la salida audio o de auriculares de su
player y presione al play para transmitir a su receptor BardOne enchufado
a su sistema Hi-Fi como en el escenario Uno.
Así puede también transmitir su música grabada
por toda la casa como en el escenario Trés.
De verdad - podría ser mas facil?