AstinTrew, Sonneteer, Musica, Huygens.
Eden Audio have a superb range of amplifiers on demonstration that we distribute throughout Spain, we feel that we have some of the best sounding amplifiers currently on the market, amplifiers for the lovers of music, our amplifiers portray the musical message in such an emotional and engaging way, we feel it makes them really deserving of your attention and an audition. We have on display top amplifiers from AstinTrew, Sonneteer, Music First Audio, Huygens Audio, and Musica

But firstly you need to think about just what you want the amplifier to do, what features it has. Does it have a remote control? Does it have enough power to drive my speakers? Can I upgrade it with power amps? Do I want valves or solid state?
Below are the superb amplifiers Eden Audio distribute, come and have a listen for yourself - because we are sure the ranges we have on offer will definitely improve your musical listening experience.
Alabaster, hear it, want it.
When you hear a Sonneteer amplifier your heart will tell you that you are listening to something truly special, from it's stylish good looks, through to the superb build quality, the desire to own a Sonneteer product sets the heart racing, whichever amplifier you chose from the spellbinding Sonneteer range, that sonic magic and pride of ownership of owning the best amplifiers in their class sets Sonneteer apart from the rest of the field.
The Sonneteer Campion and the Sonneteer
Alabaster have been the main stay of the Sonneteer
product line over the past thirteen years. They have established themselves
as the Classic esoteric British amplifiers with a renowned build and
sound quality that speaks for itself, the reviews though have helped.
Both are solid-state line integrated amplifiers with a class A/B output
stage in mode using Bipolar Junction Transistors.
The Sonneteer Alabaster has 5 inputs and one line level output. Two
of the inputs (CD and DIR) are passive with the remaining three active
suiting low output program sources like tape machines and some phono
The Sonneteer Alabaster is not just the Campion with more punch. With
its greater power output and a more refined and detailed sound the
Sonneteer Alabaster is suited to the no compromise, serious music
Eden Audio can't praise highly enough the sound quality of Sonneteer amplifiers, we really do believe that you will be highly impressed too. They sound superb connected to our superbly transparent Kudos Audio range of speakers because the sonic results really do speak for themselves, you really do owe it to yourself to see why Sonneteer amplifiers are so highly acclaimed around the world.
HUYGENS- Reference in Class D amplifiers
Welcome to our world-High Performance-Low cost.
We call these amplifiers 'The Miracles' at eden audio, for the simple reason that we believe these amplifiers offer so much performance for so little money, and yet, this is only the beginning. We believe this little Huygens MCD 1002 our entry level product to offer a performance that most of the commercial amplifiers out there can only dream of at this price point, does that sound hard to believe? The hearing of this little amplifier can only answer those questions.
The MCD series of integrated amplifiers, is powered by MHz Class
D technology. This high
sampling frequency enable you to reproduce the entire audio bandwidth
with true high fidelity, without compromising phase performance. All
MCD amplifiers exhibit extremely low THD and tremendous peak currents.
Huygens amplifiers have a definite sonic signature, as such it wont appeal to those after a warm, cuddly coloured sound, this amplifier is very transparent, plus it does the simple job of letting the music pass through, at this price it really is quite remarkable what it has to offer.
Sonically it will leave you spellbound, and at it's price point will make your jaw hit the floor, as well as getting your foot tapping with its infectious rhythm and bass control. It has a very pacey and fast sound, it puts gusto and drive into the music, it has rhythm, it has pace, and it knows how to get your foot tapping, all of these features makes the Huygens something really rather special.
Brand new Huygens Audio MHz Power 4, these mono blocks are Huygens
Audio statement products, you simply won't be able to to buy a better
sounding Class D amplifier than those on offer from Huygens Audio,
these really are state of the art, they really are a must hear, power,
control and transparency in one small, enviromently friendly package.
Huygens Audio mono blocks start from just 1250 €urosros.
Why chose Huygens Audio?
The answer is quite simple.
Affordable, What other amplifier offers this kind of power at this price?
Small size, it doesn't take up huge amount of real estate in your home.
Stays cool, efficient, environmentally friendly.
OEM, all our modules are designed by us, not of the shelf modules, unique.
Transparent, open, pure sound, backed up by technical measurements and knowledge.
Superb post sales and back up.
For more information please visit the new Huygens Audio website here
To discuss Huygens Audio products
please visit here
Astin Trew
are a specialist UK audio outfit, designers of beautiful looking and
sounding audio amplifiers and CD players. Eden Audio have these fine
products for audition and distribution in Spain.
All AstinTrew products manage to convey the emotion
and the passion of real music, close your eyes, relax and you are
there with AstinTrew
AstinTrew range consists of the AstinTrew AT1000 pre amplifier and the AstinTrew At5000 power amplifier, working together to make beautiful sounding music at a very attractive price.
Astin Trew AT2000
The new AstinTrew AT2000 offers superlative performance
for a very modest outlay, it is beautifully constructed and contains
all the features you would ever require from an Integrated amplifier,
simply put the new AstinTrew AT2000 is without doubt
the new class leader at it's price, it's very rare to find such high
quality at such an an affordable price, you owe it to yourself to
hear the new AstinTrew AT2000
The ASTINtrew AT2000 integrated amplifier combines a class A biased pre-amplifier stage and valve-assisted power amplifier electronics in a compact one-box package using Never Connected™ power supplies for all low-power circuits, offering stunning musicality at its price point. There is plenty of user flexibility and real audiophile sound. The quality electronics are housed in distinctively designed aluminum casework with a 6mm thick front fascia and anodised finishes.
Astin Trew AT2000 Plus
the stylish good looks the AstinTrew is clearly a
new reference for an amplifier at this price point, the AstinTrew
AT2000 continues to gain praise from all the top audio magazine from
all around the world, giving testimony to just how good sounding the
new AstinTrew AT2000 is.
Hi-Fi Choice, March 2009
Reviewed by Jason Kennedy.
'The AT2000 is a remarkably transparent amp in all important respects - it produces attractively open results and reflects the quality and nature of the incoming signal with a very natural and fluent precision... There's no sense here of the sound being mechanical or etched; rather, instruments and voices are placed in the context in which they were recorded... With the AT2000, Astin Trew is offering a genuine alternative to the majority of integrated models in this price range. It's a design of such subtlety and finesse that it rivals Sugden's classic A21 amp, but without the thermal and power challenges of that model. The fact that it offers so much flexibility is the icing on a highly musical cake.'
ASTINtrew AT2000+
always, Astintrew have been busy looking to find
ways of offering you the most musical sounding products, and have
just launched the AT2000plus that takes the already well reviewed
(and newly launched) AT2000 amplifier to the next level.
Musica is a new name to eden audio, Musica hail from Japan. At eden audio we have the new minature Musica int-40 stereo amplifier. The Musica int-40 offers exceptional performance at a bargain price point, not only that but the Musica int-40 takes up very little space.
Pictured above is the new high performance Musica int-40 stereo amplifier, a minature Japanese audiophile amplifier in one smart box. The musica int-40 comes in a choice of two colours of silver or snow white. Why not check out the new Musica int-40 and hear for yourself just how good this remarkable little amplifier sounds.
To the left is the superb new Musica int-200 integrated amplifier.Fully
made in Japan and styled in the traditional Musica fashion this amplifier
lets the music bubble forth from your speakers in a clear unflustered
Music First Audio
Come and listen to the stunning MFA pre amplifier, this applier will set your heart racing with it's unbelievable realism, it has won award after award in the audio press as being the best pre amplifier on the market, and it's here at Eden Audio for you to listen to, what are you waiting for?