Acoustic Revive RGC-24 grounding conditioner

Acoustic Revive RGC-24- Grounding Conditioner

acoustic revive rgc-24 grounding conditionerWhat exactly is the Acoustic Revive RGC-24 and what does the Acoustic Revive RGC-24 do?

As for any high end audio product, it is an ideal to get high quality grounding from the earth.
A lot people will face problems getting grounding done because of the environment where they live. Even if grounding has been done, it is difficult to get good results because of the low ground resistance.This could lead to countercurrent of noise and radio single on to the sound. Also, if there is an mistake in how dropping the ground from the equipment, there is a chance of ground loop and ham noise getting on to the audio signal.
The Acoustic Revive RGC-24 fixes chassis electrical current potential and electric field outbreak by virtual ground environment.This leads to stability in the circuit which has the benefit of improveing the sound.
Inside the Acoustic Revive RGC-24 there is blend of natural ore, which has minus electrical current potential. Electrical current potential and electric field from the equipment travels through the attached cable and to inside of the Acoustic Revive RGC-24.
Even in the environment where ground is already is been drawn, you can improve sound quality more by using the Acoustic Revive RGC-24.
The Acoustic revive RGC-24 has been getting high praise by all those who have had the chance to hear the benefits this bring to the high fidelity sound from your Hi-Fi system.

ACOUSTIC REVIVE`s single core cable structure is used on RGC-24`s attached cable.The cable is made of 2.6mm x 2.2mm oval shaped PCOCC-A single line, natural silk buffer material,flexible Teflon coating copper pipe and carbon paper SF tube (CSP) for superior conductivity,high shielding effect and excellent sound quality.
High-grade rhodium plating banana plug RBN-1 is used on RGC side.On the audio equipment side,gold plated Y rug is used for perfect conductivity.



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