Sonneteer Sedly.
Many years ago the prophets of Hi-Fi audio doom got out there crystal balls and danced under the full moon declaring a new silver disc that offered "perfect sound forever" not only that they declared from their trumpets that vinyl was dead? vinyl was going to be put in the museum were they claimed it belonged and locked up for good.
Many had there ears tickled and danced and followed those who were singing to the praise of the brand new silver disc, like fools to the slaughter they mothballed or even worse sold of their treasures, their gateway to the memories of their misplaced childhood, lost gone forever, the black plastic disc had gone to meet it's maker while the new kid on the block that little silver disc was to be audios saviour.
Thankfully for us history and bold marketing claims got it wrong, as more and more music lovers, audiophiles have realised that there is a cetain magic formula that is contained in those old black plastic discs that just make people want to play there vinyl over and over again, because for such people that perfect sound forever could never reach the majestic sound quality that was unique to vinyl, and yet today we still a huge demand for vinyl, so much for the death of vinyl, it just refuses to go away as more and more return to discover just what it was that their parent saw in collecting vinyl, today we have a generation that never gave up on the old faithful, and a new up and coming generation of music lover who appreciate the power and emotion of vinyl and how cool it is to be seen amongst their peers as a owner of a Turntable..
Sonneteer Sedly
The legendary award winning Sonneteer Sedley is now available with a USB connection. Originally designed to cope with both Moving Magnet and Moving Coil type cartridges offering a selection of load matching options to accommodate most of what the market has to offer, now the USB input/output allows the Sedley to be used to back up vinyl recordings onto a computer. It also allows these backed up files to be played back through the Sedley and hence through the hi-fi system.
Type MM/MC, fully load
Input impedance 47k, 100R, 47R, 1k
Input capacitance 220pF, 100pF, 47pF, 10pF
Gain High/Low
THD 0.002% (1kHz)
Weight 6Kg
Dimensions(HxWxD)60 x 430 x 280
Inputs RCA/USB
Outputs RCA
The Sonneteer Sedly has been highly praised over the years by all those who get the privilege of hearing this phono stage.
Here are some review extracts.
“…Fire that turntable up, let it play through the Sonneteer, have a seat and enjoy it as you probably never did before."
Albert Simon, UHF Magazine No.43, February 2007
“ ..... the top dog here is the Sonneteer. It’s the least expensive but sounds the best – how much more can you ask for ?”
WHAT HI-FI, June ‘99
“"I just stopped taking notes and listened to the album all the way through";
Hi-Fi World, May '98.
Why not hear the Sonneteer Sedly for yourself?
Please click here to purchase the full range of Sonneteer Hi-Fi products