Kudos Cardea C2 Floorstanding Loudspeakers

Kudos Cardea C2

Kudos Cardea C2The Kudos Cardea C2 is the next model up in the kudos range of loudspeakers. If your looking for greater bass depth and extension these loudspeakers will be just the ticket, and whats more the Kudos C2 is such as easy speaker to place due to the port being at the base of the speaker.

Not only that you now get a choice of single or bi-wire terminations with these loudspeakers, sounds good yes? we think so.

The C2 is a neatly styled floorstander using similar ingredients to the C1. However, this is not simply a C1 in a bigger box! The high frequencies are handled by the same Seas Excel tweeter, but the bass unit has been specifically designed for use in a larger cabinet volume. The reflex port exits through the bottom of the cabinet to enable a greater degree of flexibility in placement in your listening room and the plinth provides extra stability. Internally, the cabinet is optimally damped and braced and the tweeter is mounted in its own chamber to isolate it from the compression effects of the bass unit.

Like the C1, this larger model is easy to drive and partner and offers improved bass extension and greater scale to the presentation of your music.

Main driver: 18cm unit with coated paper cone and 26mm voice coil.
Tweeter: 25mm Seas Excel
Sensitivity: 88dB
Impedance: 8 ohms
Dimensions: 925 x 200 x 270mm (hwd)

Why not contact Eden Audio to find out more about these speakers, we can quite easily demonstrate to you the superb speed and clarity of sound these speakers can produce, they are a best seller for a very good reason, hear for yourself just why.






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