Revolver Cygnis, Reference High End Loudspeakers

But Revolver had bigger ideas, even though they were famously known by having massive sales success worldwide, Revolver Audio wanted to show that the magic that their little speakers posed could be transferred in to some serious High Enders.
Revolver Cygnis design features
It was a serious move on their part and it was going to need a serious loudspeaker from Revolver for them to prove their point.
The Revolver Cygnis is an unsual looking, yet attention grabbing design. It's a three-way design with two separate enclosures. The top part of the Cygnis holds a 26 mm anodized aluminum dome tweeter with shielded double speaker magnet and a 130 mm woven glass-fiber diaphragm mid with cast aluminum chassis. The top enclosure is molded so that there are no parallel surfaces to keep reflections and standing waves to a minimum, plus it is well insulated to eliminate resonances detremetal to a good sound.
The bottom enclosure employs substantial bracing for rigidness and more anti-resonance. The Bass cabinet is constructed of 25mm thick MDF with both inner and outer sides veneered to balance the panels and avoid them warping, Revolver also fit a cross brace above the Bass drive unit which is slightly off centre of the speaker cabinet to make as many of the panels different sizes and therefore different resonances, so no one frequency mode activates the cabinet. All very clever and well thought out.
The huge bass driver is a 254 mm doped compressed paper diaphragm with cast aluminum vented chassis and shielded double magnet. When you first set eyes on the cygnis, it appears that the cabinet is sealed, but actually it's not. The port is actually vented between the cabinet and the included separate base. Out of sight and noiseless. What's more is that the cabinet is designed to use not only the internal reflex loading, but also the floor itself!
Revolver Audio called the design It's "2pi" and is designed for more accurate real-world, in room performance. A high end loudspeaker needs to work as well in your room and Revolver have given this great thought in the design of the Cygnis.
The Revolver Cygnis comes supplied with spikes that are needle sharp. Those needle sharp spikes are part of the 2pi. Take them away or alter them and the sound suffers. Their height is also very important.
The Crossovers are all hand built utilizing air cored inductors, custom polypropylene capacitors and silver plated OFC wiring. Alot of attention the detail went in to design of the Revolver Cygnis loudspeakers and when you hear them all this bears out.
They are easy to drive with a very easy 91db and sound especially wonderfull with valve amplifiers.
Revolver Cygnis, it's all about the sound