Acoustic Revive SIP-8 Shorting plugs

Acoustic Revive SIP-8


acoustic revive sip-8All Hi-Fi equipment have vacant digital input and analog input terminals, these kind of empty terminals are places where dust gets easily collected. Not only that they also become an place of origin for unwanted noises such as RFI.

By letting these input terminal short-circuit, it prevents noise such as RFI getting inside the equipment. Furthermore, letting the input terminals short-circuit, unstable element of electrical current on ground side gets removed and movement of machinery circuit becomes stable. Result is, advantage for power supply impedance and sound quality improves greatly.

In addition, board for terminal part tends to be very thin. This receives the influence of vibration. By using high specific gravity and hard material for short pin, it reinforces terminals and protects from vibration. Sold as a kit of 8 pieces.

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