Revolver Audio.
Audiophile quality British made loudspeakers

Revolver Audio British made loudspeakers

Revolver Audio have a heritage and tradition of producing top quality audiophile loudspeakers. We at Eden Audio are very proud to have the privilege of distributing these very fine audio products that are designed and made in England. Revolver Audio has a fine history of producing some of the finest audio products and loudspeakers currently available today.
Styled and crafted beautifully the current range of Revolver loudspeakers offer the kind of sonic performance at a price point that leaves you wondering how they can do that kind of sound at such an affordable price point, but before we take a look at the current Audio speakers lt would a good idea to find out a bit more about Revolver Audio themselves.

Revolver Audio early days.

The brand Revolver was founded by Colin and Wyn Higham in 1979. For the next 13 years or so Colin developed a small range of turntables and REVOLVER was for some years acknowledged as a significant force in this specialised area of the UK Hi-Fi market. Sixty percent of sales were made overseas, with turntables exported to fifteen countries. However, severe illness in 1990 meant Colin was no longer able to function within the company, and without his input, the company failed.

Peter Ratchford and Ray Nugent of Revolver UK Ltd bought the sole trading rights to the brand and in 1994 they launched a small range of high quality but low priced loudspeakers, manufactured for them by JPW Loudspeakers. The products were well received by both the trade and the reviewers and significant distribution was achieved. By 1996 the overseas market included more than 20 countries.

Revolver UK Ltd was then bought by an electronics company in 1998 who, for reasons of their own, shortly afterwards discontinued with the loudspeaker production. The brand name Revolver eventually became dormant.

Early in 2002 Mike Jewitt (ex Heybrook Hi Fi) and Charles Greenlees (ex JPW Loudspeakers) formed The Acoustic Partnership and in turn bought the sole trading rights to the brand “REVOLVER”.

Mike has a well established reputation as a successful loudspeaker designer, having been previously with Mordaunt Short and Canon Audio before joining Heybrook Hi Fi in 1997. Charles has been with JPW Loudspeakers from the start and was involved with the purchasing and production of their own products and those of the myriad of OEM brands that they produced during the 1990’s.
The new range of REVOLVER loudspeakers produced by The Acoustic Partnership has been specially designed and created for use with both quality Audio and/or Home Cinema systems, with products voiced for both music and movies. All design, development and production is based in the United Kingdom.

revolver audio driverRevolver Audio introduced to the market to great applaud the new R series, the R series consisted of the R16, the R33 and the R45, this was in Sept 2002, the R series certainly managed to raise a few eyebrows due to their distinctive looks of using cloth on the side and rears of speakers.
Sonically they went down a storm with customers and the audio press alike, welcome back Revolver, the R series was proving to be a storm of a success for Revolver as they marked their territory in the market place.

Below are just some of the examples of the praises that the new R series were receiving

Revolver R33 awarded 4 star review Hi Fi Choice Jan 2003
Revolver R33 awarded 4 globes in Hi Fi World review Feb 2003
Revolver R33 awarded 4 stars in What Hi Fi review March 2003
Revolver R33 awarded 4 stars in What Hi Fi (Loudspeaker Supertest) April 2003
Revolver R45 – ‘We can recommend this powerful and surprisingly subtle package as good value’ Hi Fi News May 2003
Revolver R45 awarded 4 Globes in Hi-Fi World review September 2003.

Revolver R33 - 'A cute little standmount... ...with a beautifully clean, smooth, and even midband that's at once very informative yet also very easy on the ear' Hi-Fi Plus Aug/Sept 2003
R45 awarded 'The Editors Choice' (Loudspeakers up to £1000) in Hi-Fi News January 2004

A few years later and a new improved version hit the market, the RW series. Gone were the cloth side cheeks to be replaced by an all wood veneer. Once again audio nuts loved the very distinctive sound of the Revolver RW series, the RW16 and RW33 were the two standmounters which were capable of producing a sound that simply belied their small size, they were sweet in treble, fast, and a bass that was really punchy, they had the most magical midband you could have possibly wished for, producing one of the most holographic sounding midbands we've ever heard at this price, the Revolver RW16 was just magical at the price.
The Revolver RW33 was the bigger brother of the RW16, if you was looking for a speaker that had more bass weight and a bigger soundstage than the RW16, then the RW33 was the ideal speaker, it had a beautifully judged sound that worked wonders on the end of valve amplifiers. It lost some of the speed and punch of the little RW16, but what it lost it made up for with that extra bass weight and even larger soundstage, the RW16, RW33 went on to become true giant killers.
Finally we had the floorstanding the Revolver RW45, the ideal speaker for the music lover and movie fanatic, these speakers have the talents to do them both justice. The Revolver RW45 produces a big bold sound along with oodles of clean powerful bass, this multi way floorstander sounds so graceful and majestic, as ali would famously say, it floats like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

* RW16 awarded 4 stars in Supertest, What Hi-Fi May 2004
* RW16 - awarded 5 globes (Outstanding) Hi Fi World September 2004
* RW45 - awarded 4 globes (Excellent) Hi Fi World September 2004
* RW16- 'engaging and enjoyable ….. has a lot more to offer than most of the competition.' Hi Fi Plus September 2004
* RW33 - 'sonically hard to fault at its price point – great with rock music.' Hi Fi News February 2005

The challenge then lay ahead for Revolver Audio to better the remarkable and talented RW series, how was this possible? Could Revolver produce something even more special from their magic hat? They put there hand in the hat, and out popped not a rabbit but the new Music series range of loudspeakers.

revolver music series

Why not come to Eden Audio to hear these exceptional loudspeaker from Revolver Audio, in Eden Audio you will find the complete line of Revolver Audio loudspeakers, from the music series,through to the Revolver Audio AudioVue series, plus the latest Screen series from Revolver Audio which really are quite spectacular in design, these flat panel speakers offer the kind of sound quality normally associated with bigger box speaker, with the Revolver Audio screen series you can even hang them on your's that for style.

Visit here for more on Revolver Audio

Revolver Audio homepage



Looking for speaker cables for your Revolver loudspeakers? why not try Oyaide?


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