Sonneteer CD players, the Byron and Bronte

sonneteer ByronSonneteer had already managed to set the audiophile world alight with their award winning range of amplifiers, but was it possible that they could perform the same standard of audio excellence when it came to CD players?

The Sonneteer Byron CD player, which enjoys a cult status, follows the now well known product line up and demonstrates Sonneteer's commitment to both analogue and digital high quality audio products. Taking advantage of all the superior aspects of single bit technology the
Byron is built to the usual Sonneteer high standards.

With separate power supplies for both the DAC and the CD mechanism, minimising the interference between them, the Byron effectively offers all the advantages of a two box, high end system in one. All this spiced up with a little Sonneteer magic in the analogue stage the Byron is a treat to both eyes and ears.

In Eden Audio we've been enjoying listening to the Sonneteer Byron for quite a long while now and it never fails to amaze us just how natural and unforced this player sounds. Many a time we hear audiophiles telling us that they find CD players to sound cold, glassy, or unnatural, so we sit them down to have a listen to the Sonneteer Byron connected up to the Sonneteer Alabaster amplifier. Just by the expression on customers faces we see the Sonneteer effect taking place, this combination just sounds right, gone is that cold unemotional sound associated with CD play back to be replaced by a sweet, warm and natural sounding CD player, if you love the tonal qualities of vinyl you'll really appreciate just what the Sonneteer Byron can do.

Below are some review extracts

“…I just stopped taking notes and listened to the album all the way through”

Hi-Fi World, May ’98.

“...on its own amongst its class.”

Hi-Fi News, September '96.


Sonneteer ByronContact Eden Audio to hear just why the Sonneteer Byron has become one of leading CD players currently avaliable on the market today, due to it's sweet and natural sound it's presentation is highly demanded and desired by audiophiles the world over.

The Sonneteer Byron matches beautifully to the Sonneteer amplifiers as they've been carefully designed to work in harmony together, for speakers cables and interconnects we reccommend the oyaide ranges


Sonneteer Bronte

If the Byron is over your budget then have we got some great news for you, you can have a taste of the Sonneteer magic at a lower price. The Bronte CD player was built to match the Sonneteer Bronte amplifier.

Sonneteer bronteThe Sonneteer Brontë CD player was the second CD player developed by Sonneteer. With 24-bit, 96 kHz DAC technology and a little Sonneteer magic sprinkled upon it, the Brontë CD player is capable of delivering hi-end performance similar to its bigger brother, the Sonneteer Byron. The Brontë CD player is very much in keeping with the current Sonneteer range in terms of style, beauty and sound quality.


The two Sonneteer CD players match beautifully with sonneteers own amplifiers . You can contact Eden Audio where we can arrange for you to listen to these highly musical performers, we use the Sonneteer amplifers and CD players and match them to Revolver audio loudspeakers

Do you have any other questions regarding Sonneteer? why not ask them on our hi-fi forum?

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