Musica pho30

musica pho30Are you looking for a top quality, beautiful sounding phono stage? If so, then onc again at Eden Audio we have just the product your are looking for.

Set your eyes upon the beautifully sculptured MUSICA pho30. This phono stage was developed for enjoying high quality analoge audio for your turntable. This simply is one of the best phono stages, a must hear product. It caters for both MM/MC types of cartridges making it a very versitile little product.

As with all Musica products, they well be small in size but big when it comes to the areas that matter, namely sound quality.

Body size is only 82mm(W)x60mm(H), easily set it up at minimum spaces. However the philosophy of design is high-end audio.
pho30 is supplied rigid 8mm thickness pure aluminum front panel, 2 input terminals for MC/MM cartridges, easy to switch MC/MM in front and step up transformer for MC cartridge.
Vacuum tube is sub miniature tube type.
pho30 is modern phono amplifier which composes high speed equalizer circuit by semiconductor devices with powerful vacuum tube type buffer amplifier.
MUSICA' products is PURE Japan made.

Frequency Response(-3.0dB) 1~20kHz
Input Terminal RCA x2(MC/MM)
Correction characteristic RIAA Power 100V-240V/ 50,60Hz, 30W
Dimensions W82mm × H60mm × D260mm

musica pho 30 rear inputs












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