Musica Int1000 - High End Stereo amplifier

Musica int-1000

musica int1000

We all dream of owning something just that little bit more special than the norm. Once again thanks to Eden Audio we discovered yet another gem to add to our portfolio.

This time it's the musical master piece, the Musica Int1000 stereo amplifier from Musica Japan. If you've already had the privilege and pleasure of hearing other products from Musica you'll be aware that they have a very special sonic signature.

This signature is expanded to new heights by the mind blowing Musica INT1000 stereo amplifier. Before we tell you all the secrets, why not contact us here at Eden Audio and request an audition of this quite remarkable sounding beast.





Musica int-1000 (below)

 stereo amplifiermusica int1000

Musica Int-1000 :

Integrated Amplifier, 100W/ch (Class-A/B), non-NFB circuit.
Tube based buffer(1st stage) realized a high input impedance 1M ohms.
High-speed output by MOS-FET based 2nd stage.
Frequency response: 10Hz – 40KHz
Inputs : RCA unbalanced x 2
Pre-Out, Main-In terminals.