Oyaide Explorer Speaker Cables

Oyaide Explorer .75, 125, 2.0 Budget speaker cables


oyaide explorer 200The Oyaide Explorer range of speaker cables comes in three thicknesses, it's very easy to bend due to it's flexability it makes installation of these audio cables easy and attractive, the Oyaide Explorer comes in a attactive white outer PVC jacket which makes it not stand out like a sore thumb in your home, it's very easy to route and hide making it a firm favorite among spouses who can't bear the thought of speaker cables running through their homes like out of control snakes, now we don't want that do we.

The Oyaide Explorer 75

is ideal for home cinema set ups and installations and has proven to be a very popular choice for the home cinema fan. Due to it's extremly affordable price, ease of installation, plus a sound quality that put it at the front of the grid, the Oyaide Explorer 75 is the number 1 choice.

The EXPLORER……the discovery of the greatness of simplicity

The Oyaide EXPLORER is a new speaker cable which is simply composed of the conductor and the insulator.
Its stranded conductors are parallel layout design and have multi-layered structure. Rather than twisting whole wires, the triple-layered inverted concentric structure is employed for maximum density and uniformity, for infilling of internal space and for preventing deformation among the wires.

The insulator is made of newly-applied FLEX PE (Polyethylene) which has both electric characteristic and flexibility. Furthermore, the EXPLORER was designed in geometric shape in order to contact to the floor on line although it appears to be a rectangular shape seemingly. In addition, it has an air hole between conductors for vibration damping and prevention of electric permittivity rise.

The EXPLORER adds a whole new value and expands the enjoyment of your "audio life".

Oyaide Explorer 125- sonic bliss Oyaide speaker cables

Moving up the new Oyaide explorer range we come to the Explorer 125 model, this model is thicker in diameter than the 75 and makes an ideal speaker cable for more budget orinated hi-fi audio systems, but don't think that the budget price will mean you'll get a lo-fi sound quality, far from it the Oyaide explorer 125 offers the type of performance that will leave other cables quaking in their boots, this is premiership quality, speed, pace, agility, with a smugde of arrogance.



Oyaide Explorer 2.0- The price, the looks, the sound, the Oyaide style

Most people when chosing a new piece of hi-fi chose on a basis on three points, the look for price, something they can afford and that fits their budget, secondly they want something that looks good, and thirdly they want good sound as they are going to be living with what they bought hopefully for a long time and what they've bought will give them many hours of pleasure. Oyaide explorer

Oyaide with the new Explorer 200 have hit squarely on the head all of those three points previously mentioned above, they've put to market a very affordable cable which is keenly priced, it looks the business, plus it has that typical Oyaide sound quality that audiophiles around the globe grave for. Why not contacy us at Eden Audio to hear for yourself just why Oyaide cables are so highly desired, even your hi-fi will be happy.

Technical details.

The core of the EXPLORER is parallel-arranged PCOCC-A signal transmission unit. Rather than twisting whole wires, 7wires of PCOCC-A are grouped in a unit and then 7units are grouped in a structure. This helps to get rid of random spaces between wires for maximum density and uniformity.
Oyaide prepared three different gauges for the EXPLORER; 0.75sq, 1.25sq and 2.0sq. The EXPLORER can be applied in many situations such as for mobile, home theater and of course for pure audio.

Oyaide explorer Shape

The EXPLORER was designed in geometric shape in order to contact to the floor on line although it appears to be a rectangular shape seemingly. In addition, it has an air hole between conductors for vibration damping and prevention of electric permittivity rise.



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