Sonneteer Audiophile, making your sonic dreams come true.


sonneteerSonneteer? Who are Sonneteer? would you like to know? read on to find out just who they are and also let us look a bit more closely at the Sonneteer range of hifi audio products.

Firstly get comfy, sit back and lets take a step back in time and have a little look at the history of the British High-End brand Sonneteer.


A little sonneteer history

Let us travel back to 1994, not that long ago, as a British high end company, Sonneteer have epitomised the best in high quality, high technology hifi. As a British, high end hifi manufacture, Sonneteer was founded by Remo Casadei and Haider Bahrani in 1994, but the story doesn't start there. It all first really began in 1988 when on their first day at Kingston University Remo and Haider bumped into each other on the Electronics Engineering Degree course. The natural greeting formalities of the odd swear word and sarcasm the start of a friendship was cemented.
Haider had a band and Remo wanted to be it's manager. Out of this 'Fine Thang Musico' emerged as little bit of business for putting on shows.
This hopelessly fumbled through their student days making them a little bit of beer and kebab money, but no more.

In his final year Haider designed an amplifier for his final year project. He really just wanted it for himself and use it while playing guitar and recording his fine excuses for songs(ehem). Remo on the other hand was a bit of an aspiring audiophile and 'borrowed amplifier and showed it off to his hifi junky friends.

"We are going to start a business" cried Remo. Haider looked at him in horror and faked a mild grin and went off to do a little bit of work in the music business and then an MSc. In the mean time Remo wasn't giving up and went on to turn Haider's semi cooked design into something that could be respectably presented to the public at large. "OK, OK! what the heck", Haider cried and so Sonneteer was born. Oh that first amp, is now know as the Campoin, yes that's right, the Sonneteer Campion was born to the world and what a little beauty it proved to be.
From hear on in, everything was team work. Not one design out of the Sonneteer stables doesn't feature the paw prints of both Remo and Haider, the audio world was about to sit and and take note because over the next few years Sonneteer were to weave their magic many a time as each and every new product was greeted with great applause.

Sonneteer have a very simple motto behind their thinking, "At Sonneteer, we design products that we can live with in out own homes. If we don't like it we wont expect anyone else to. It is that simple".


So that begs the question, just what made Eden Audio want to distribute Sonneteers products in Spain? The answer is really quite simple, you know sometimes you hear something, you smile to yourself and give the nod of approval, well that's just what happened when it came to the sound of Sonneteer, there was that magic, something that clicked that just said, I want that sound.

That sound was made by a small little integrated amplifier that went by the simple of name of Campion, it was in fact the first ever Sonneteer product to hit the market, the Sonneteer Campion had bee born and now it is here in Eden Audio.

So there we have it, a little bit of a background behind the name Sonneteer. When you buy a Sonneteer product you know you are going to get a product the will give you years of satisfaction, Sonneteer products have been designed to give you years of musical pleasure, we can asure you that when you own a product from Sonneteer you will indeed be the happy owner of a product that provides pure musical satifaction.





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