Acoustic Revive RAF-48 isolation boards

Acoustic Revive RAF-48-The Best Isolation you Can Get With The Acoustic Revive RAF-48 Air Floating Board

acoustic revive raf-48 air floating boardThe Acoustic Revive RAF-48 isolation board is the top model in the new range and it uses some very innovative thinking in its design, firstly the use of air to isolate.
The Acoustic Revive RAF-48 use
s the same air floating structure used for valuable electron microscope boards and itsmade to a very affordable price point.
Air has overwhelming insulation ability compared to other vibration isolation materials like rubber or springs.

The Insulation ability of the Acoustic revive RAF-48 is almost perfect and you will experience the improvement in the S/N, transparency and texture of the sound due to the decrease of distortion the sound will appear deeper, wider and higher, with a more more alive 3 dimensional soundstage.

The Acoustic Revive RAF-48 will also withstand up to to 60Kgs of heavy equipment..

Filling up the air is easily done with the attached pump.

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