Tellurium Q Speaker cables

tellurium q logoWhy chose tellurium Q ?

Tellurium who?, good question because the chances are this name is new to you, even though the name is new the brains behind it are far from new, in fact the people behind Tellurium Q have many years experience in designing superb sounding audio gear.

When the engineering team at Tellurium Q (based in the UK) studied the factors impacting speaker cable performance, they realised that phase distortion is a key determinant of cable performance, and yet not addressed by current audio R&D. So they started designing from a blank slate, with a determined focus to combat phase distortion. The result is the first Tellurium cable - the Black - with ultra low phase distortion. The cable also has low capacitance and very high bandwidth but primarily it is the superbly low phase distortion that make these cables sound extraordinarily clear and natural. These high performance cables have won multiple awards in their very first year of launch!

Tellurium Q Black

Tellurium Black was our first cable and we knew we were on to something special when we took the prototypes to various dealers for their comments and input. One in particular would not believe that it could match his somewhat thicker more expensive cable that was in his demonstration system.

We sat down and listened to some of his familiar music tracks. Then we swapped the cable for Tellurium Black. He sat forward, looked at us and quite seriously asked what else we had done to his system while we were changing the cables over. It was only when he swapped the cables himself a couple of times did he believe the evidence of his ears. He also stocked the Tellurium Black.

It is thin and it is small. By conventional thought it should not be able to do what it does and as well as it does it. That is why we have applied for a patent for one of the aspects that allows these cables to perform so well.

"Our own tests can be deceptively demanding for cables, long runs with as little as three and a half watts into loudspeakers of 93dB sensitivity or even higher. Doesn't sound much, but you'd be surprised by how many cables insist on telling us just who they are in these situations - so we don't want to know!

The Tellurium Black is as anonymous as we could want, signals appear to breeze through it with no suspicion of resistance or evidence of artificial enhancement, music just happens. Our loudspeakers come alive, completely detached from a soundscape far greater than where their physical presence would otherwise dominate.

   Without overstating the case, there are other cables that reward with similar musical riches and we stock one in particular. That said, it costs seven times the price of the Tellurium Q Black! What's important to us is a cable that doesn't compromise the values inherent in valve based, high sensitivity systems. In such circumstances the Tellurium Q Black comes very highly recommended."


Tellurium Q Blue

tellurium blue speaker cable


Tellurium Blue is the brother of Tellurium Black, it still posesses the amazing sound of its brother. It is available off the roll, and can be terminated with whatever connectors you choose. It's sound is more than a little suprising for it's price point, and is sure to win awards for it's ability to outshine cables at three times the price.

Tellurium QT guarantee that it will sound as good as, if not better than anything you have connected between your speakers and amplifier right now.

Tellurium Blue is the entry level speaker cable that was designed to be the companion to Tellurium Black and has been described by one well known manufacturer of speakers as having "good mid, but softer sounding" than the Tellurium Black.  While having great detail and phase control is less revealing of a system than the Black.

HiFi World has described the most noticeable qualities of this cable as being, "a welcome absence of muddle.." and, "a more neutral, focused, precise aura settled on the music. In fact the Blue cables exhibited a tremendous sense of control; something that I've never heard from any cable at this price point."

Review comments

"Blue cables exhibited a tremendous
sense of control; something that I've
never heard from any cable
At this price point."

Paul Rigby HiFi World August 2010


"...a degree of coherence, timing and focus distinctly uncommon, in my experience, for this sort of money."

Steve Dickenson, HiFi Plus 2010



Tellurium Q Green

Tellurium Green is the companion cable to Tellurium Ultra Black and is probably more suitable for slightly bright systems as they have a very slight "mellowing" effect.

The Tellurium Q range of cables offer a very crystal clear sound which does not mean bright and agressive as there is no time distortion which cause "smearing" of the signal which can destroy detail and bass performance.

The Tellurium Q Green offers a very high end sound on any system and has a very low profil which makes it easy to use.

Made from an alloy and comes ready terminated to ensure purity of signal the Tellurium Q range of cables offer exceptional value.


"The Green cables could be described as 'sweet'. That doesn't mean cloying or that they throw any sort of veil over detail, far from it. These, warm, very friendly cables broaden the sound stage and provide, for the first time, an onion skin array of musical detail. That is, bass exhibited a multi-tonal depth and vocals displayed a complexity unheard by both the Blue and Black cables. ...ideal for any slightly bright system".

Paul Rigby, HiFi World 2010

Tellurium Q Ultra Black

tellurium q ultra black

What about the ultra black, read on to find out more....

Tellurium Ultra Black is the cable we wanted to make from day one. We told our UK distributor what to expect as we handed them a prototype that looked more like a fireman's hose and less like a sonic phenomena. They glanced at the heavy, stiff and it has to be said ugly brown experiment. "Yes, well we will give it a go and take it to a few dealers to see what they think". Later that day we get a phone call from our disbelieving UK distributors at Kog Audio, "what the hell is in it? We've never heard anything like this!".

They took it on trust that the production version would be incredibly thin and flexible by comparison and look a whole lot better. So Kog Audio put in an advance order that day without needing to see or hear the production model because, in their words, "if it is even quarter as good as the prototype it will blow people away".

Review comments

Whatever you do, don't audition the Ultra Black. As I said before, once you do, there's no going back."

Steve Dickenson, Hi Fi Plus, Awards issue 2010

"What the Ultra Blacks will do for your record collection is to both extract the fine detail from within and reveal its personality. The Ultra Blacks will lay bare your music, getting under the skin of each recording."

Paul Rigby , HiFi World 2010


Why not discover the Tellurium Q ultra black for yourself, the hottest new speaaker cables you will find.


Tellurium Q Graphite


tellurium q

The Tellurium Q graphite is the latest speaker cable from Tellurium Q and it promises to take your Hi-Fi where no Hi-Fi has been before, to boldly go to new audio heights where all your sonic fantasies come true. If you've already been lucky enough the hear the rest of the Tellurium Q cables you soon realise that something quite special is coming from your loudspeakers, here at eden audio we've never known a range of cables that have won so many awards in such a short period of time which has managed to get a lot of tongues wagging at just how good these cables are.

Now that the Graphite is here Tellurium Q have a range of cables that will let you know what your HiFi system is really capable of, and that means we can even more enjoyment from our music collection which is what it is all really about, listening and enjoying more our music collection and with the Graphite in place you will never want to turn your music off, it's that addictive.