Acoustic Revive USB 1.0PLS and 1.0SPS

Acoustic Revive USB

More innovation again from Acoustic Revive the leaders from Japan when it comes to audio cables and accessories they have taken note that because today more and more music lovers are using their PCs and Macs to listen to and store their music collection having a high quality USB cable was an important requirement, now thanks to Acoustic Revive they have answered this demand with two unique new USB cables.

Just recently Acoustic Revive have made some minor improvements in the design of these stunning USB cables, is it any wonder that these USB cables are regarded as the best there is.

acoustic revive sps usb



Two types of USB cable which have an independent Signal line and Power supply line. Only the USB-1.0SP employs this ground breaking structure - having two A-Plugs to separate the Signal and power lines from the output terminals.
As a P/C is normally equipped with several USB outputs, you can bring out

the Signal and Power lines separately, resulting in a dramatic improvement in sound quality.

It is widely known amongst audiophiles that the radiation noise of power cables affect signal cables and damage sound quality when a signal cable and a power cable are installed in parallel or come into contact with each other.

However, most USB cables available on the market have the signal line and power line in one cable together - we can easily imagine how sound quality is deteriorated by this structure.

Some high-end USB cables have independently shielded signal and power lines. However, these two lines are in close proximity in the same cable and are constantly causing noise reflections inside the outer shielding tube which will significantly damage sound quality.

The power supply lines in USB cables transmit a large amount of noise that is generated by the P/C (computer). This noise seriously degrades the quality of the signal being transmitted and therefore, audio sound quality is greatly reduced.

USB-1.0SPs and USB-1.0SPL are equipped with two independent cables consisting of a two-core shielding structure with a 100% shielding effect obtained by using a copper foil. This is the only USB cable which is successful in stopping noise interaction between the power and signal lines.

USB-1.0SP and USB-1.0PL USB cables are 100% Made in Japan and are equipped with our maximum technology to realize the highest-end sound quality, i.e.

l Conductor: Thick 0.8F Solid single-core PCOCC-A (the highest diameter USB cable currently available on the market)

l Outer shielding with Carbon SF tube to prevent radiation noise

l Original USB plug made from 2017S air craft grade aluminum alloy


What does it sound like?

Typical of Acoustic Reive you will notice straight away how much more natural this cable sounds, of course some will scoff at the idea that any cables can make a difference, that's totally up to them, but we've listened ( makes a big difference that!) and can quite clearly hear the improvement these cables make.

For example, we notice treble glare is no longer a problem with this cable in your system, the sound is more calm, more relaxed and less strident, we note too that instruments so more real, a piano now sounds more like a piano should sound, drums sounding less hard and much less agressive.

The whole tone is more believable and real, we found the greatest difference was that the harshness is no longer there, for example replace this cable with an inferior cable and you will notice the sound becomes more agressive and much more harder, thinner and brighter, with the Acoustic Revive cable used, the sound becomes much more open, calmer and relaxed and above all relistic and believable.

acoustic revive pls


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